Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do Asians and Hispanics seek cosmetic surgery?

Not to be outdone, the numbers of black individuals getting cosmetic procedures is at an all time high. Once a household Taboo, Pandora’s Box has opened and everyone is flaunting the latest thing they have had done. The surge in cosmetic procedures in minorities is seen not only in Blacks but also in Hispanics, Asians and even Indians. Everyone wants to look pretty, young and gorgeous.

Do Asians and Hispanics seek cosmetic surgery?

Not to be outdone, the numbers of black individuals getting cosmetic procedures is at an all time high. Once a household Taboo, Pandora’s Box has opened and everyone is flaunting the latest thing they have had done. The surge in cosmetic procedures in minorities is seen not only in Blacks but also in Hispanics, Asians and even Indians. Everyone wants to look pretty, young and gorgeous.

I am a 22-year-old black female and am wondering if African Americans undergo plastic surgery?

There was a time when cosmetic surgery was only for the wealthy and the super rich. That was some time ago. Today, cosmetic surgery is affordable by everyone and the rush to get some type of plastic nip and tuck is on the rise globally. Hollywood has perpetuated the mythology of young, pretty and ageless and this is an ideal searched by many millions of men and women all over the world. This generation, more than ever is more concerned with their image than ever before.  

In the last 20 years, cosmetic surgery has blossomed into an art with addictive potential. This is the only discipline where people go under the knife for a non-health related condition- just to look beautiful. Cosmetic surgery is now sought out by individuals of all races, color, gender and ethnic background.  Yes, thousands of African American men and women now seek cosmetic surgery to look beautiful- and there is nothing wrong in that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What is the cost of breast augmentation?

The cost of breast augmentation is quite variable and depends where you live and which surgeon you visit. Expensive is not always better. Since you paying the big bucks, get your money’s worth. You select the surgeon, be well read – the more prepared you are the better care you can get. Cosmetic surgery has more charlatans than Wall Street. If ever you feel that a surgeon is being pushy or has not answered your questions, go elsewhere. The cost of breast enlargement can range from $4,000-$10,000.

Can anyone undergo breast enlargement?

There are no absolute reasons why one cannot have breast enlargement surgery but one should be in reasonably good health and be realistic about their expectations. Breast enlargement is generally not done for women under the age of 20 because the breasts are still growing.

Breast enlargement today is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure and most individuals get a decent result. However, there are way too many surgeons  performing cosmetic surgery and while mishaps are rare, they do happen all the time. In the end the best results depends on your selection of a good surgeon.

When should one undergo breast enlargement surgery?

There is no time limit on this procedure, but  surely you do not want it when you are in the 50s or 60s. Most women get breast enlargement in the 20s and 30s. For those who are undecided about breast enlargement, talk to your family, friends and others who have had the surgery. Do not discuss this with the surgeon. Remember, surgeons make money doing the procedure and very few really care what you think. They just want to make the money. While there is no doubt that breast enlargement can improve your outlook and provide a sexy profile, problems with body image are not always due to the breasts. Some individuals have a problem with their thinking, which needs to be corrected. In such cases, Prozac may be the answer and not breast enlargement.

How are the results after breast enlargement surgery?

Most women who under go surgery to enlarge their breasts get a satisfactory result. The large breasts can suddenly improve the physical appearance and boost self-confidence. However, all women should understand that no matter what cup size they select, breast augmentation will not change who you are as a person, how you think and what others think about you as an individual, If you were a real pain in the rear before, then you will be more of the same afterwards.

How long do the results of breast enlargement last?

All consumers should know that the results of breast enlargement are not forever but will last a couple of decades. No plastic surgeon can reverse nature. In the 40s and 50s, the breast may start to sag a little and this will become obvious in the 60s. Sagging of the breasts can occur prematurely if one gets pregnant, gains weight, gets old or loses a lot of weight.

Why do women seek breast enlargement?

Breast enlargement is done for several reasons:

- The female perceives that her breasts are too small and wants to improve her body image. What is too small is not defined and it is only a personal feeling
-  Some females lose breast volume after pregnancy and want to restore both the size and contour
-  Some females have uneven breasts and want to make the breasts symmetrical both in size and shape
- Some want to get rid of the sagging breasts
- Some want more firmer breasts with a sexy curve
- Some women want to replace the breast removed following cancer surgery
- Some women are born with a congenital malformation of the breast or have suffered trauma to the chest and would like to have a normal looking breast
Breast enlargement surgery is an art. The surgery can make the breasts look symmetrical and the size can be increased by several cups. The results are superb (unless you pick a crappy surgeon). The majority of women remain satisfied with the results.

Can you tell me what is the difference between breast implants and augmentation mammoplasty?

They are the same thing but some pompous doctors like to use big words. Enlargement of the breast is also sometimes referred to as breast augmentation or medically speaking known as augmentation mammoplasty. The surgery is done to increase size and shape of the woman’s breast. The theory behind breast enlargement is very simple- a prosthesis (plastic balloon) is placed under the breast and then filled with either saline or silicone. In the majority of cases, breast enlargement is accomplished with the use of a breast implant. The implant may be placed behind the breast muscles or be placed behind the nipple- there is a big difference between the two procedures. In almost all cases, the breast size can be increased by several cup sizes. In some cases, the plastic balloon is slowly filled with more water or silicone until the desired breast size is obtained. All breast implants give the breast a full appearance with more sexy cleavage and an erotic body shape.

I have had a simple mastectomy and would like to have my breast reconstructed. Are there any side effects I should know off beforehand?

Although breast reconstructive surgery is generally a safe procedure, some side effects and complications are inevitable. Breast reconstructive surgery is an elective produce and one should never be rushed into it. Discuss all you options and the possible side effects with the surgeon. The possible risks of breast reconstructive surgery include:

-      bleeding
-      infection
-      failure of the skin to heal
-      risks of anesthesia
-      numbness
-      asymmetry of the breast
-      pain

These side effects and complications tend to occur in 2-7 percent of women.  Breast reconstructive surgery is done as an outpatient procedure and thus one should have a family member available to drive you home afterwards. The procedure may take anywhere from 2-4 hours and requires general anesthesia. In some cases, an overnight stay in the hospital may be required

How are the results after breast reconstruction?

Despite the fact that reconstructive breast surgery is highly technically refined, the results are very variable and not all individuals have the same result. In the majority of cases, the reconstructed breast has many areas of numbness and this feeing is permanent. Some individuals may develop an extremely hypersensitive nipple- even the slightest touch will cause pain.

Unlike breast implant surgery, reconstructive surgery has a number of conspicuous surgical incisions. Some of these may be from the previous mastectomy. In some cases of breast reconstruction, only one breast is built-up. To make the other breast look similar, a breast lift, breast implant or breast augmentation may be required. In most cases, plastic surgeons do a decent job. However, there is a dearth of plastic surgeons and there are many who suck. So choose your surgeon well.

I have breasts which do not match in size. Is there anything that I can do about it?

Sure, Breast reconstruction is a great surgical technique whereby the breast is reconstructed to mimic the original breast. Reconstructive breast surgery is commonly performed after removing a breast cancer. Other cases where reconstruction is carried out include:

-      congenital breast defects
-      asymmetrical breasts
-      trauma induced damage to the breast
-      failure of breast implant surgery

Breast reconstruction can be done in several ways. Breast reconstruction has become a major method of restoring a breast back to its normal shape and size following a mastectomy.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I fret about my flat butt all the time. I do have the money but am not sure about the surgery. Should I go for it?

All plastic surgery is elective and one should never be rushed. Many women seem to find imperfections in their body, even though they look just fine. If you have been fretting over your butt, then the best advice is not to undergo surgery yet. Instead go and see a mental health professional and perhaps Prozac will do the trick. Prozac is cheaper and safer than any surgery.

For the woman who wants to look voluptuous- the Miami Thong Lift

For women, the search for the perfect body is never ending. First, it was the face-lifts, then it was the breast augmentation and this was followed by liposuction. Now many women are undergoing revision of their derriere. Yes, women now think that having a better-looking bottom is a way to look even more gorgeous and sexy. In the last 10 years, many surgeries have been developed to lift, contour, elevate, shrink, and augment the buttocks. The Miami thong lift is just one such procedure. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Who does tummy tuck surgery?

While plastic surgeons have the most experience, there are many other types of surgeons who also do this surgery. There are some good surgeons but there are more bad ones. So before you go under the knife, ask for referrals, speak to colleagues and search online. If you ever have a doubt about a surgeon, get a second opinion. Since you are paying, take your time in selecting someone who cares about your welfare. Tummy tuck is strictly an elective procedure and you should never be rushed into it.

How long does tummy tuck surgery take?

Tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure. Do not go to a surgeon who wants to perform this procedure in his private office. Tummy tuck is best done in a hospital where your safety is assured. The procedure can take anywhere from 3-7 hours. Most patients are in too much pain to go home the same day. When you stay overnight, expect to add another $2,000 to your bill. For your safety, keep away from surgeons who want to put you up in a hotel to save money. In a hotel, there are no nursing staff and dreadful complications like bleeding and death have been reported. If you do not have money to stay in a hospital then you should not undergo tummy tuck. It is a high risk procedure.

What is the cost of tummy tuck surgery?

Tummy tuck is as expensive as buying a small sedan or a down payment on a small condo. On average you can expect to fork out anywhere from $7,000-$13,000. There are fees for all the tests, the anesthesiologist and the plastic surgeon. If you plan to stay in the hospital overnight, you can add another $2,000. Moreover, no insurance plan covers tummy tuck as it is a cosmetic procedure. Finally a great result is not guaranteed for everyone. Even if the surgeon screws up, there are no refunds- but you can always sue him/her afterwards.

Is the tummy tuck operation ideal for all women?

Definitely not. First and foremost you have to be healthy and be able to tolerate the surgery. The surgery is major, can involve a lot of blood loss and take many hours to accomplish. You also have to be realistic- the procedure will make your abdomen look nice but it surely won't make you look young and some of your stretch marks may still remain. The problem is plastic surgeons always hype up their results with photos and many people develop unrealistic expectations with the surgery. If you are still planning to have children or trying to lose weight, then tummy tuck is not for you- at least not yet.

Does tummy tuck surgery have any risks?

Sure, like any surgery there are risks. The problem is that there are way too many plastic surgeons performing this procedure and some are just plain awful. So you have to pick a decent surgeon. Complications of tummy tuck include infections, fluid and blood collection at the incision site, and loss of sensation where the incision was made. If you continue to smoke, your healing may be poor and your skin may die, making closure difficult. Other side effects include formation of blood clots, wound separation, asymmetry, pain, swelling of legs, nerve damage, perhaps need for another surgery and a poor cosmetic result. These complications occur in at least 10-18 percent of women.

Are there any precautions before I undergo tummy tuck surgery?

The most important is that you stop smoking. If you continue to smoke, it will delay healing, cause breathing problems and give you a poor cosmetic result. You must stop smoking at least 6 weeks before the surgery. Moreover, you should not take any blood thinners for at least 2-3 weeks prior to the surgery.

Can the tummy tuck surgery remove fat?

Yes, often the tummy tuck procedure is combined with liposuction. Liposuction can help remove the mounds of fat around the hips, thighs and waist. This can help make the body more proportioned. All individuals who are in the process of losing weight should wait until they have reached their optimal weight. Tummy tuck is always done after you have completed your child bearing and weight loss. If you continue to lose weight after tummy tuck, you will again start to have loose excess skin.

Can you tell me if tummy tuck is a good option for weight loss?

Tummy tuck is not done to help people lose weight; rather the surgery is done to improve the flabby abdomen. Many men and women have a protuberant abdomen with poor skin elasticity. The muscles of the abdomen have lost their tone and the entire front of the abdomen looks like crap. This type of flabby abdomen is quite common in women who have had multiple pregnancies and in those who have lost weight.

Tummy tuck or abdominal plasty can help remove the loose excess skin, fat and tighten up the slack muscles and fascia. Tummy tuck can also help you get rid of some of your stretch marks and excess skin that is hanging below the belly button.

All consumers should be aware that tummy tuck is not some minor rinky dinky surgery done at the clinic; this is major surgery and a lot of bad S..T can happen. Therefore, anyone wishing to undergo this procedure better read about it first and choose their surgeon well. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I am a 26 year old female. Recently my doctor told me I have melasma and referred me to a plastic surgeon. What should I do?

P..S on both of them. Melasma is a common skin disorder usually seen during or after pregnancy. It is often referred to as a “mask of pregnancy.” The facial skin develops patches of darkness which are chiefly on the forehead, nose and cheeks. The majority of women with this disorder do not even know if they have it. In more than 99% of cases, melasma disappears on its own. The disorder is benign and has no complications. However, many plastic surgeons and skin doctors have started offering treatments for melasma.
Some doctors offer combination creams with bleaching agents combined with tretinoin and others add a topical steroid. Some even recommend use of laser. So far no one has ever shown that any of these treatments are effective. Moreover prolonged use of steroids and tretinoin is also associated with skin dryness, redness and peeling. For a skin disorder which tends to resolve by itself, why anyone would want to seek treatment is a mystery. Perhaps these individuals need their head examined or better still, some Prozac may help

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Killing for fat- to enhance lips- part 2

Both men and women in many South American countries regularly undergo cosmetic procedures to feel and look well. It is also well known that South Americans spend more time under the knife for cosmetic procedures than any other nation.

The arrested men say that the fat was being sold to cosmetic companies in Europe. So far, the buyers of this fat remain unknown but investigators have started to follow up leads.

Investigators say that gangs would ambush an individual, rapidly cut of his head and then drain the fat from the body into bottles.
Police are currently investigating deaths of more than 60 people in areas around Lima, Peru and believe these deaths are related to gangs killing for fat

Killing for fat- to enhance the breasts and lips

Very disturbing news out of Peru is that gangs have been arrested for killing people to obtain fat. It is alleged that more than 60 people have been killed and their body fat content removed to be used in cosmetic procedures. Police sources say that so far three gang members have been arrested and have confessed to killing at least 5 people in the past few weeks.

Some of the gang members were arrested carrying the liquid fat in bottles. The suspects say that a gallon of fat is worth at least $60,000. The three arrested gang members have been charged with homicide, criminal conspiracy and a variety of other related charges.

Cosmetic surgeons do use fat injections to enhance lips or breasts. Fat is normally derived via liposuction from the abdomen or thigh and then injected into other parts of the body; the process is laborious and somewhat expensive. However, it is not known how large the fat cosmetic market is. Plastic surgeons do agree that other dermal fillers like restylane, perlane, or juvederm are somewhat expensive and fat is sometimes used as an alternative.